Sunday Service 10 AM at Cedars Christian School, 600 Preston Rd., Prince George BC
"We are an inclusive community where faith is less about a story to be believed, as it is about - a life to be lived! What we share is a growing awareness that life is a gift, and love is the point!"
Our Mission
To help anyone and everyone become a follower of Jesus
Because people matter to God.
Because "grace changes everything" and there is no problem that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.
Because life is better in community

Our Vision
To lead our generation into a life transforming relationship with Jesus and authentic community with each other in a way that impacts our city and beyond.
Our Values
A Church Centered in Jesus
We are and will continue to be a " Jesus church" finding our life, health,vision, and strength in the person of Jesus Christ. We will keep Jesus at the center of our faith and life together.
A Life Rooted in Scripture
We value scripture- the Bible - as the basis for understanding who God is and how to orient our lives fully around him.
Relationships Formed in Community
We value authentic Christian community as a necessary context in which spiritual formation can occur.
Faith Expressed in Action
We value action empowered by the Holy Spirit as a natural outflow of our faith in Jesus, expressing God's love, compassion, and justice in word and deed in our everyday lives.
Radical generosity
We believe that we are to be radically generous stewards of our time, talents, and treasure, and that should be expressed in the local church, our city and beyond.

WHAT WE (aspire to) BELIEVE
We believe that an authentic experience of God's amazing grace changes everything!
We think the world is tired of religious people who claim to believe a list of ideas when those very ideas don’t translate into any kind of personal transformation.
Plus, we see belief as a dynamic lived out in reality, which doesn’t translate well into a few paragraphs on a website. The sad truth is, there are days when our lives express our belief in God, and there are other days when our beliefs are merely empty statements we live in spite of. Ultimately, you can find our actual beliefs in the lived out expressions of our collective lives. The statement below is therefore merely that, a statement. It’s something you might say we’re relying on or trusting in. And it’s something that ultimately we aspire to believe ... not just in our hearts and minds, but in the way that we live in this world.

- The way of Jesus is a lifestyle of holistic healing for individuals, families, neighborhoods and nations.
- To follow this way is the counter-cultural road of limitless forgiveness, radical acceptance, nonviolent peacemaking, abundant generosity and sacrificial love.
- Salvation isn’t a contractual relationship of filling in the right theological answers or behaving the correct way, but an ongoing covenant relationship of integrity with our Source, Creator, God or Ultimate Reality.
- This understanding can move us away from religious systems, meritocracies or worthiness ladders as our pathway to God as we understand that union with God simply ‘is’ because of Jesus. In this way, salvation is about your NOW life, not your afterlife.
- We must never confuse the Kingdom of God with the kingdoms of this world. God’s Kingdom is power under, not power over; invitation, not coercion; service, not consumption.
- As a community of people, committed to be a benefit and blessing to the world, we welcome all persons to participate in the life of our community without limitation or restriction based on gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental condition, and socioeconomic or marital status.
- God doesn’t cause suffering, but redeems it. And calls us to join in the work of renewing, reconciling and redeeming all things.
- The future is open and full of possibilities. We must embrace the awesome role we are invited to play in it.
All are welcome to attend, explore and participate in taking steps of faith toward Christ. We recognize that doubts and questions about faith, and our faith journey are a normal part of spiritual growth, and we do not claim to have all the answers. We do claim however, that all the answers can be found in the person of Jesus.