We are excited about our new move to Cedars Christian School. We are excited for this new chapter in our growth and development as a congregation.
As children and family are a priority for us at Genesis, this move will be a huge boost for our children and youth ministry. The schools facilities will make it possible to grow and provide a higher level of care to our children and youth.
Access to a kitchen, gym and classroom spaced will also enhance our capacity for growth.
Sunday service 10 AM at Cedars Christian School 600 Preston Rd., Prince George BC
Genesis Community Church, Where we are:
We Are A Family
God is Our Father
You Are Welcome
We Are All About
New Beginnings
Destiny Finder - Discover and Fulfill Your Calling
YOU have an amazing destiny
You were created with unique gifts to empower you to make a difference!
- Take the Free Assessment
- Connect with a Life Group that aligns with you
- Get Destiny Coaching from Paul if you want to go to the "Next Level"

Right Now Media
A streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos for leaders to share with their people.
Genesis can get you FREE access to ALL of this content. Contact office@genesispg.ca so we can send you a special invite link.
Alpha - For New Believers
Share life, faith, hope and Jesus on Alpha.
YouVersion - Bible App
Many Translations of The Bible - At Your Fingertips
We use the YouVersion Bible App all the time to read various translations and share specific quotes with eachother. It's an amazing app worth having on your smart device!
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”Jesus (John 13:34,35)